Francisco Mangado - Arquitectura 2007-2018 (TC 134/135)

Art.Nr.: 9788494824005

Autor: TC Cuadernos

Erscheinungsjahr: 2018

Sprache: English, Spanish

Seiten: 0

ISBN/Art.: 978-84-948240-0-5

EUR 58,00
inkl. 7 % USt


This is the second monograph published in TC Cuadernos on the work of the architect Francisco Mangado. . This monograph and the one that precedes it (TC Cuadernos 72/73), represent two periods of a single and continuous craft. And as Patxi himself says "to make architecture is a long-term thing, a long time, those times that we have to claim if we want to have enough room to think and meditate, to develop a trial-error process as a mechanism to obtain results and l e ar n i n g". All the work presented in this second monograph participates in the architectural ideology of Patxi Mangado, an ideology that aspires to claim more than ever the value of architecture in society. The volume includes a compendium of works and projects corresponding to a period of more than a decade. 18 projects are collected in 490 pages, each one of which has been extensively developed to be able to understand it at the level of photographs, plans and construction details