Mauricio Rocha (Archives 10)

Art.Nr.: 9788412659139

Autor: Archives - Journal of Architecture

Erscheinungsjahr: 2023

Bindung: PB

Seiten: 396

ISBN/Art.: 978-84-126591-3-9

EUR 32,00
inkl. 7 % USt


This instalment of ‘Archives’ features Mexican architect Mauricio Rocha. Born into a family that enabled him to look at the world through different disciplines, he attended one of the most politically progressive schools and has spent his entire life in the company of photographers, sculptors, musicians, artists, and architects. This upbringing is reflected in Rocha’s work today, from his early association with Gabriel Orozco to his later interest in Gordon Matta-Clark. This volume presents a total of eleven works completed between 2009 and 2023, including the Anahuacalli Museum in Mexico City, the Fábrica de San Pedro Cultural Center in Michoacán, and the School of Plastic Arts in Oaxaca.