(W)Ego: Tailor-Made Housing

Art.Nr.: 9789462085305

Untertitel: Dream Homes in Density

Verlag/Ort: Amsterdam 2022

Seiten: 336

ISBN/Art.: 978-94-6208-530-5

EUR 32,00
inkl. 7 % USt


With '(W)EGO: Tailor-Made Housing', The Why Factory investigates participatory processes applied to housing design. These processes establish a negotiation among the desires of each of the residents of a housing slab and help determine the design of their apartments. To achieve this, Wegocity manifests a particular interest in the development of a gaming process. This game leverages the specificities of each resident and transforms them into spatial needs. This way, unexpected housing typologies emerge within a truly human-driven residential building.