architect, verb. - The New Language of Building

Art.Nr.: 9781839761928

Autor: Graaf, Reinier de

Erscheinungsjahr: 2024

Verlag/Ort: Verso Books

Bindung: PB

Seiten: 272

ISBN/Art.: 978-1-83976-192-8

EUR 14,50
inkl. 7 % USt


Leading architect Reinier de Graaf punctures the myths of contemporary architecture. No longer does it suffice to judge a building solely by its appearance; it must be measured and certified. When architects talk about ‘Excellence’, ‘Sustainability’, ‘Well-being’, ‘Liveability’, ‘Placemaking’, ‘Creativity’, ‘Beauty’ and ‘Innovation’, what do they actually mean? And what does this jargon tell us about the future of our homes, cities and planet?