Everyday Matters - Contemporary Approaches to Architecture

Art.Nr.: 9783944074399

Autor: Grossman, Vanessa; Miguel, Ciro

Erscheinungsjahr: 2021

Verlag/Ort: Ruby Press

Bindung: PB

Seiten: 224

ISBN/Art.: 978-3-944074-39-9

EUR 24,00
inkl. 7 % USt


Many architects are seeking ways to respond to a world that suffers from overbuilding, yet where millions remain homeless and lack rudimentary infrastructure. Beyond the built form, these practitioners are expanding their focus to quotidian objects, basic resources, issues of race and gender, daily routines, and maintenance protocols. Featuring contributions by architectural designers, historians, and theoreticians, as well as scholars in fields such as cultural geography, environmental anthropology, political philosophy, and sociology, this book chronicles how the eve ryday has influenced contemporary approaches to architecture and urbanism, triggering the rise of a new ethics and aesthetics.