Imagine No. 09: Prototyping Efn Mobile

Art.Nr.: 9789462082915

Autor: Knaack, Ulrich

Verlag/Ort: 2016

Seiten: 128

ISBN/Art.: 978-94-6208-291-5

EUR 28,00
inkl. 7 % USt


The Prototyping efn Mobile programme ‘emerging envelope’ develops innovative façade constructions with international student teams of the European Façade Network (EFN). The inspiring energy of workshops and 1:1 mock-up buildings generates a plethora of new ideas for intelligent, adaptive and sustainable façades. From adaptive building envelopes to sustainable end-of-life concepts, from user-interacting building envelopes to low-budget façades for various climate zones, this book provides innovative ideas and intelligent solutions for future-proof façade design and construction.