Apartment Building Architecture - Contemporary Solutions

Art.Nr.: 9783037683026

Autor: Uffelen, Chris van

Weitere Angaben: English

Erscheinungsjahr: 2025

Verlag/Ort: Braun Publishers, Berlin

Bindung: Gebundene Ausgabe/ Hardcover

Seiten: 288

ISBN/Art.: 978-3-03768-302-6

EUR 49,90
inkl. 7 % USt


Today, multi-family buildings have become symbols of modern living that redefine both social cohesion and urban space. Their high resident density, low resource and space requirements, as well as communally used areas make them also the most sustainable approach for new forms of residential spaces. With a variety of heights and façade designs, multi-storey buildings are shaping the appearance of cities and suburbs, turning them into veritable stages for these multifaceted architectural showpieces. This volume presents projects that combine innovation, esthetics, sustainability, and quality of life. Each selected building, from social housing to luxury serviced apartments, emphasizes flexibility and individuality, and tells its own story. They all present visions for a vibrant and sustainable urban future through the interplay of intelligent floor plans, well thought-out spatial concepts, and convincing design solutions.