Generosity - Housing Design Strategies: The Interaction within the Living Space (A+T 59)

Art.Nr.: 9788409579846

Weitere Angaben: English, Spanish

Erscheinungsjahr: 2024

Bindung: PB

Seiten: 120

ISBN/Art.: 978-84-09-57984-6

EUR 32,80
inkl. 7 % USt

  • Lieferzeit: 2 Wochen


With imaginative and hopeful methods to navigate counter to the mainstream, community architecture is an alternative built with basic means. It is appearing in numerous cities stressed by a turbulent market, where people are finding it increasingly difficult to access housing. How do we interact with others within habitable space, and how do we work towards a more sustainable and equitable future? This final issue of the series, dedicated to collective housing, tackles these questions and more. It includes twelve cooperative housing projects which respond to the four conditions that contribute to a design based on generosity: indeterminacy, exteriority, privacy, and interactivity.