Contemporary Landscape Architecture - Masterpieces around the World

Art.Nr.: 9783037682951

Autor: Uffelen, Chris van

Weitere Angaben: 25 x 34 cm, English

Erscheinungsjahr: 2024

Verlag/Ort: Braun Publishing

Bindung: Gebundene Ausgabe/ Hardcover

Seiten: 432

ISBN/Art.: 978-3-03768-295-1

EUR 89,00
inkl. 7 % USt


Whether around, besides, on top of, or even in buildings, in populated areas or in the countryside, landscape architecture develops and designs outdoor spaces for humans as independent creations. It mediates between nature and architecture and connects the grown and the planned habitat, balancing function and aesthetics. Against the backdrop of climate change, the central task today is the conservation of natural resources and the creation of sustainable, high-quality green spaces. A reference work and source of inspiration, this compendium provides an overview of the entire spectrum of this discipline based on projects around the world. Their common denominator is the design of ecologically and socially intact living space. Almost exactly ten years after the publishing of the Atlas of World Landscape Architecture, this new publication takes stock of the developments of the last decade.Simons Center for Geometry & Physics in Stony Brook, NY, USA (Dirtworks Landscape Architecture), Elliott's Row Pocket Park in London, UK (Richard Reynolds), Baiyangdian Waterfront Park in Xiong’an, China (TLS Landscape Architecture), Green Corridor Gleislinse in Berlin, Germany (Schönherr Landschaftsarchitekten), Elio Del Nest in Bangkok Thailand, (Redland-Scape)