Ours - Methods for Habitat City

Art.Nr.: 9784872751536

Verlag/Ort: Yokohama 2003

Bindung: PB

Seiten: 242

ISBN/Art.: 978-4-87275-153-6

EUR 36,00
inkl. 7 % USt


Softcover, english text, new book. Under the direction of Riken Yamamoto, the recently opened Yokohama Graduate School of Architecture (Y-GSA) offers an architectural education that specifically aims to examine cities and the role architects play in the creation of urban environments. This illustrated publication celebrates the vision of the school through a number of different chapters. The first features interviews with the four practicing architects involved in the course, namely: Riken Yamamoto, Koh Kitayama, Yoshihiko Iida and Ryue Nishizawa. The second: four readings on various urban strategies from around the world ? with contributions by Felix Claus and Kees Christiaanse. The third, a complex and in-depth examination of Yokohama's future, comprising new urban strategies, the role of branding for urban regeneration and the role and place of the cities unique landscape. The fourth, and last, a survey of recent studio workshops and undertaken in the Y-GSA.